Friday, April 15, 2016


Ugggghhhh. I am a land whale. A hamplanet. A blubbery mass of sadness and despair :-(

Actually, it seems like I'm not getting enough calories or something. I ate 957 yesterday, and burned most of them off. I might try not working out for a few days. The key to breaking through a plateau is to trick the body, and I am well versed in the art of trickery. 

Yesterday was a rough day. The girls caught their first, real live mouse, and didn't kill it. Just stunned it, a state in which it remained while I wailed hysterically about the poor suffering creature in my living room. I managed to get it into a paper bag, and brought it outside with some minced up carrot bits, and it seemed quite lively by the time I got it into one of the flower boxes outside. This after I discover that a friend of mine was in the hospital after a giant anxiety attack. Then my fella gets home, apparently having a rough day of his own, and decided to take it out on me. He apologized, but fuuuuuuck that shit. Then I went for a long walk after dinner, proudly showing him the 4.6 mile route I had carved out. His response? "That's gay." 

And that's okay. I don't need his approval or validation. I'm losing this weight for me, not him. I know he prefers heavier chicks. My sister is supporting my efforts, thankfully. I'd like to think I don't need a cheerleader, but it's so much easier to stay motivated when you know someone is rooting for you. I was hoping to have more support from him, because he's so knowledgeable about weight loss and body building, but whatever. I've got the internet, and I've got time. 


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