So I met with the founder of this company the other day... and all my initial nervousness immediately vanished. I can think of a couple reasons why he might have sat there with the brim of his baseball hat pulled so low that I could barely see his face, let alone make eye contact while talking, but none of them seem valid enough. (Perhaps he's more high profile than I realize and doesn't want attention? Perhaps he was hiding from someone? Perhaps he's self conscious? Or maybe he just wanted to stare at my tits, but none of these reasons make sense to me. Well, I understand wanting to look at my tits, I have a very nice rack, but come on, my good man! Everything in moderation!) I don't know what his reason was, maybe he didn't realize how he appeared (I DOUBT IT) but no matter the reason, it came off as extremely fucking rude.
Anyhow, the door of this opportunity is WIIIIIDE open. He informed me that he's not talking to anyone about art, that all the work people have submitted has been "bullshit and crap", so it appears that since he's talking to me all I have to do is dazzle him a little and I'm in. I'm going to submit three finished pieces to him, and so far I've got one idea solidified and roughly sketched out. Haven't decided on the other two yet, but knowing that he wants the links to the various pages on the site integrated into the artwork has made things slightly more, um, interesting. There's also the logo to consider. He mentioned initials, so that makes it a little easier, but still, I'm not terribly oriented towards logo creation- I'm not a graphic designer! But, if there are any problems I know I'm good at solving, they are art problems, so I've just got to keep brainstorming and something will come out. I have faith.
I also have faith that one day I'll have a real job. I interviewed with two lovely ladies today about working for a hand painted greeting card company- the location is a magical penthouse location (Alice Cooper's old place, as a matter of fact!) and it's full of glass and sunlight and happiness- some guy sitting in an office gave me a big happy grin as I walked by. I would SO LOVE to work there... but I'm not getting my hopes up. Although it was my third interview, and third time's supposed to be a charm and all that... but still. *sigh* They even do some gardening out on the roof top, with cherry tomatoes! What's not to love?! If it's meant to be, it'll be, but if not, for whatever reason, I know it'll be because something else needed that space instead. I really did not expect it to be a sort of dream job for me though, goddamn.
I should probably get back to work. I don't have much time to get these sketches done, and I want to have all three done by Sunday. Next Sunday, they will all be finished pieces. Something tells me though, that I'm gonna be way ahead of this guy. He hasn't even decided on president/ vice president of the company, let alone a web designer. I see a lot of caffeine and grumbling in my future...
Anyhow, the door of this opportunity is WIIIIIDE open. He informed me that he's not talking to anyone about art, that all the work people have submitted has been "bullshit and crap", so it appears that since he's talking to me all I have to do is dazzle him a little and I'm in. I'm going to submit three finished pieces to him, and so far I've got one idea solidified and roughly sketched out. Haven't decided on the other two yet, but knowing that he wants the links to the various pages on the site integrated into the artwork has made things slightly more, um, interesting. There's also the logo to consider. He mentioned initials, so that makes it a little easier, but still, I'm not terribly oriented towards logo creation- I'm not a graphic designer! But, if there are any problems I know I'm good at solving, they are art problems, so I've just got to keep brainstorming and something will come out. I have faith.
I also have faith that one day I'll have a real job. I interviewed with two lovely ladies today about working for a hand painted greeting card company- the location is a magical penthouse location (Alice Cooper's old place, as a matter of fact!) and it's full of glass and sunlight and happiness- some guy sitting in an office gave me a big happy grin as I walked by. I would SO LOVE to work there... but I'm not getting my hopes up. Although it was my third interview, and third time's supposed to be a charm and all that... but still. *sigh* They even do some gardening out on the roof top, with cherry tomatoes! What's not to love?! If it's meant to be, it'll be, but if not, for whatever reason, I know it'll be because something else needed that space instead. I really did not expect it to be a sort of dream job for me though, goddamn.
I should probably get back to work. I don't have much time to get these sketches done, and I want to have all three done by Sunday. Next Sunday, they will all be finished pieces. Something tells me though, that I'm gonna be way ahead of this guy. He hasn't even decided on president/ vice president of the company, let alone a web designer. I see a lot of caffeine and grumbling in my future...
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