Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tra la la... oh, my ding ding dong!

NPR and fiddly knitting go fabulously well together. Especially when joined in their menage a trois by CAWFEE.   Whether I'll be able to keep doing it until 5am remains to be seen... but dammit, I'm gonna try! I really want to get these suckers done by friday... now that I've done the math and worked it all out, and I'm well on my way with them, they're gonna be awesome. Discovered a new friend on facebook knits too... I don't know how she found me or why she friended me, but I'm glad she did.

I'm pretty sure my new found love of talk radio has to do with my italian stallion and his penchant for falling asleep to it. Somehow it's comforting, but more than that, I've learned so much from the last few hours alone. I've also discovered a super awesome old time radio station that plays all the old programs from the 30s and 40s... so I can listen to Sheriff whatever his name was upholding justice in the Yukon with his trusty husky King! I think that was his name anyway. Highly entertaining and again, oddly comforting. It's called OTR radio and it's on iTunes, in case anyone is interested. Although, no one probably knows about this blog except the post stalker from Rav, unless someone else found it via Rav too. It's cute that I'm still being stalked... I'm flattered that someone would have nothing better to do with 5 minutes of their time than to post stalk me ;-)

I should probably get back to my knitting now, but it feels so good lying on my back, ahhhh... and my eyes are sooo tired... MUST. PUSH. THROUGH.  Even if I have to go for another 32 oz coffee which will mean that I've drank literally a gallon of coffee today, I will prevail! Tomorrow is stitch n' bitch day for real, and I may possibly have to work tomorrow night. Definitely working Thursday, but otherwise, it's all knitting. YARRRGH :-D If I could make a living off this, that would be pretty awesome....