Monday, March 26, 2012

The darkness lifting... slightly.

Forced myself out of bed today, and forced myself down to Otto's to say goodbye to my boss before she leaves for Nashville tomorrow. It was physically difficult... I've felt weighted down all day, as though I wet wool blanket had settled on me and I couldn't shake it off. I slept most of the day... I've been having really strong and clear dreams lately, so at least there's that. (Apparently there is such thing as decalcifying the pineal gland, and it DOES work. Huh.)

Unexpected awesomeness: Seeing an incredible performance by an old band with a new singer. Lifted my spirits a little, turned my heart over, and made me just a little lighter. A bartender I used to date was there too, and we had a nice conversation... the best part though, was after I left, and walking towards the bus (which I wound up missing twice, and so took the train instead) I saw my Rummybear outside Beauty Bar, where he now works- one of the old security guards from Don Hill's. We had over an hour long conversation, and it lightened me considerably, despite the fact that it was a silly convo that ranged from mice to peeing in bottles to stupid people at bars. He's like a Caribbean Buddha, always smiling, always straightforward and warm and fair. So, just like the old days when I'd spend forever talking to him at Don Hill's, once again I can do it at Beauty Bar, ahaha. Of course, I've been the grateful recipient of much tender loving from my meatball, who is find of showering me with loving text messages and adorable voice notes and videos... that's gone a long way in cheering me up too.

And last, but not least... knitting a scarf with some ridiculous metallic novelty yarn (Flower by Tahki) has also cheered me up. Nothing like knitting or crocheting through grief... especially with ridiculous yarn. I've been tweaking a diamond bobble motif that I'll be naming for Pat, (Hart's Diamond... I still can't type his name without tears welling up, ugh) but the ridiculous yarn seriously has been a lark. I originally started an open mesh type thing, but then decided it would be better off in a drop stitch pattern. So I modified the Vixen pattern from a tank top in the Sensual Knits book to be worked flat... and so far it looks much better. It'll look even better with the dropped stitches, once I get there, but the best part is... it's still gonna look like someone scalped a stripper muppet named Candy Strips or something like that... ahahahaha. As much as I'm obsessed with my craft, nothing is too precious. I can't see myself wearing it though... chances are I'll try selling it at the flea market in Pennsylvania, whenever my sister decides we're going.

I can't stop making typos... it's definitely sleep time now.  

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