Saturday, March 10, 2012

There's a goddamn rock in my shoe.

This blog became necessary to create for several reasons... I've got too many goddamn thoughts in my head that I need to work out, and I need a place to put up my knitting patterns when they're finally available. That being said, without further ado, let us proceed!
A letter, to one who has wronged me:

A few days ago, you decided that I was no longer a worthy friend for you, and you- without warning or farewell!- deleted me from face book.

Yes, I'm still pissed off over this. You have given me no forum for discussion, no opportunity to defend, explain, or apologize, should I have been made to feel I had in fact, been wrong here... and so you know what? I'm gonna say what I have to fucking say right here and now. And I know you're going to read it, because you like to keep tabs on people you feel are beneath you, in order to make yourself feel better. You certainly did a fantastic job of post stalking me on another website, which I anticipated and so chose my words quite carefully.

You see, had you just been a face book friend, well, whatever! I delete boring people and assholes and rejects all the time. But the fact that we've had some wonderful outings together led me to believe, apparently wrongly, that you would have more respect for me than to just merely let me go, as though I were a fuzz you picked off your sweater. Now, it seems you were offended over something I said in regards to your health issues. It seems you think I was missing the point you were making about your fertility being taken away from you, etc. My sole intent was to cheer you up and ease your worries by encouraging you to focus on YOU, not something that may or may not happen eventually. You chose to interpret my remarks as something ENTIRELY different from what I was trying to convey, and rather than talk to me about it? You slunk off like a weasel. Clearly, you did not have either strength of character nor enough respect to confront me and say, "Hey, let's talk about this. You hurt my feelings and I want to clear it up."

So while I'm getting it all out, I'm really gonna get it all out here, and I'm not going to lie or sugarcoat anything for the sake of niceties. It's time my fucking voice is heard fully on the matter. And I don't give a good god damn what you think.

First of all: Your goddamn smugness. Your oft-repeated catch phrases and words. They are NAUSEATING. Even your sentence structure gets tiresome after a while. It's clear that you are striving for wittiness and integrity; it's not a natural thing for you. And it's only now that I can finally articulate what always irked me about you... this blog is useful already. Fantastic.

Second: You cannot walk at a normal pace down a NYC sidewalk, you are in no fucking shape to have or adopt a child. Count how many times in one month you reference your own "excruciating" pain and how many pills, remedies, etc you need to overcome it. You are in no shape to have a child. Regardless of whether or not you've made progress- you're still in no shape. And you're AMBIGUOUS. You don't even KNOW if you want one... looks like that ship has sailed, madam. And you were clearly not on it, because you weren't decided or fit enough to get on the damn boat. Oops, time to move on with your life!

Third: Your adorable blog posts. Hahaha, look at me, I can blog too! For all the world to see! YAY! "Finesse" is something I use where applicable. I deliberately went for blunt honesty that night, because I thought you worthy of respect (hahaha. Silly me!) and thought you were of sound mind. Silly me again... "Don't go away mad, just go away!" Did you really think I was going to roll over and play dead? You have no authority over me whatsoever. I have every right to defend myself and explain myself. And you know, the whole bit about "mocking" you for expressing your hurt is really funny... because you never expressed it. You just slunk off, tail between your legs.

Your primary focus is obviously NOT you, if you're so concerned about a mini you in the future. My advice was to focus on you; instead, melodrama ensued. And nice condescension on the age thing- a child? I may only be 25 years old, but wasn't it you who so recently sang my praises about the influence I had on you and those around you in letting go of negative people and energies? Ohhh, how quickly we forget! Reminds me of a meme I saw recently: "Oh, you're older than me? Tell me how much wiser and smarter you are." I am not a mere "child", and you of all people know that.

And you call yourself a lady... really? You, who has no concept of what's appropriate lunch conversation when surrounded by people at a nice east village restaurant? No, I do NOT want to hear about your pubes, thank you very much, and neither do the people around us, who had some really painful looks on their faces when you mentioned your graying pubes. Good lord, I'm fucking nauseous just thinking about it. Furthermore, I  was QUITE disgusted to hear of your fascination with bestiality porn. It's one thing to have an open mind, a high tolerance for "ick" factors, etc... but there's a time and place and people to discuss these things with. Be mindful of your company and your audience, for heaven's sakes.

Last but not least, this little gem: "I don't have the time or energy to indulge opinionated, hostile folks who militantly reduce my whole health issues to the global overpopulation issue. Obviously, the focus of all my visits to my doctors in NYC is lost on some folks."   

There's that word again: FOLKS. I am not  "folk." Small point though, really, because what you said after is just SO BATSHIT CRAY CRAY I don't even. ... I'm questioning your literacy at this point, truly! Militantly reduce your whole health issues to global overpopulation? Because I advised you to focus on YOU and not potentialities,  and then tried to cheer you up by mentioning that other people have spawned so much that they practically did it for you? Funny, you mentioned no issue with my off color humor at the time.  And BAM, the last line, there you go- no, the doctor visits are NOT lost on me, which is WHY it's ironic that YOU still think it would be a good idea for you to have a kid, should you ever make up your "ambiguous" mind.  

Unlike your declaration of neutrality, I do wish you well. I wish you mental stability, I wish you'd lose your smugness, and I wish for you what I wish for the rest of the world- that everyone could just be who they are with no pretense or expectations or facades. 

I (think I)  have now said all I need to on the subject, and the matter is finally over in my mind. What a relief that is!

oh... and one more thing, Growly! (as Morel Orel would say) That epic multi site flounce, where you deleted me from a facebook group you started about PLANTS, and where you stepped down as mod of a group on another site and left the group? Really shows your immaturity. The fact that you didn't think yourself capable of coexisting peacefully is fucking hilarious. Thigh slappingly good. Your loss!
Now, on to far more awesome things: Today was yarn shopping and gluttony. Tomorrow is stitch n' bitch day with one friend (specifically daisy stitch!), dinner with another girl friend, and then date night. Next weekend, I finally get to go see my sister... I can't wait! If someone had told me at 17 that I'd be this happy and - what's the opposite of lonely?- at 25, I'd have cried and told them to shut up, but maybe I wouldn't have tried to kill myself, hahahaha. Sweet, sweet joy! :-D