Monday, October 26, 2015

Weight Loss Update

I'm down 10 pounds already, WOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! This whole "drink a bunch of fruits, nuts, veggies and kefir" thing is working out pretty damn well. I mean, that's ALL I have until dinner, and I'm not generally hungry. Staying busy and active really helps too, to distract me from food. And, not to get all TMI, but I'm greatly amused at the change in my doody. (Yes, I'm 5, shut up.) It's mostly very fluffy and loose, and not only that, my heartburn issues are still gone. Right this minute, I'm enjoying a big ol' mug of blueberry tea with lemon juice in it, and I'm not suffering painful burps or acid reflux. I REALLY LOVE having lemon juice in my tea, so this is super!

What I'm REALLY proud of, is that I came up with this all on my own, based on what my body told me it wanted. It's good to listen to what your body needs sometimes. (Of course, using common sense and intellect is a must. My body also tells me it wants to eat 4984950 pounds of sushi every fucking day, but even if my budget allowed, I'd know that is not a great idea.) I didn't even ask my fella, who is an expert on all things nutritional and fitness related, because I knew he'd pooh pooh the idea as some stupid diet fad or whatever. I went ahead and did it, no approval or validation needed, just let my body tell me what it really wanted for once, as opposed to me trying to impose what I've been told it needs to lose weight. All those really delicious looking healthy recipes and food photos I see on the fitspiration sites? Yeah, I tried those, and they don't work for me. I need a serious calorie reduction without it feeling like a serious calorie reduction. Smoothies are still fun and tasty and exciting to me. And, bonus, my fella is actually getting into them too... despite the fact that I make them without the cream and sugar that he prefers.

Ok, off to sleep now. Past my bedtime, but I was working on my Park Ave cardigan (free Ravelry pattern!) and wanted to get up to the part where I put the sleeves on scrap yarn. Also had major catching up to do with Law & Order SVU. Still not caught up, but WHEW the first episode of this season was a DOOOOZY! I had to actually force myself to watch it though, because I'm still on business mode 24/7 and wanted to keep digging into the world of content marketing. Sundays, though, I've decided are my day OFF from all things work related. I broke that rule all day long, but I figured I had to draw the line at SOME point. Maybe I'll have cool dreams again tonight. Last night, the Pope bought Czechoslovakia (I know, it no longer exists, but it did in my dream!) and I found out through an old friend who was channeling a spirit or something, I dunno. And then she read a message from the fairies in the freckles on the back of my arm, and we had to run somewhere. There was rain. and many strange diners in trailers involved. And we had to be wherever we were going at 8:04 pm. Yeeeeahhhh. Ok bye!

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