Well, I apparently didn't mention it in my last post- I guess it happened after I posted- but I got my first stranger sale! As in, a stranger bought my yarn. And then... this past weekend... the same lady bought TWO MORE SKEINS! I was positively giddy, but at the same time I really need to get my product out to more people. I know it's good, she knows it's good... other people need to know it's good. I'm finding more places to promote, which is important, and more potential customers.
As far as metaphysical stuff goes, I've been exploring the Law of Attraction lately, and it's already making a huge difference in how I've been feeling towards my shop and my business. I'm going to re-open Magick Cat Knits, and sell non recycled yarn items that I've made there. I'm going to be selling recycled yarn items that I've knit in MCSS. I'm definitely a lot more motivated and inspired, and it's showing. I FINALLY updated my shop blog. I feel much more creative, and that's incredibly important. I'm even putting together a book! (It's a commentary on society.) The most important thing here though, is not to give up. I know a business isn't built, and results don't always show themselves, overnight. I've always been a bit of a late bloomer with certain things, and this seems to be one of them. I tend to learn from experience, which means there's usually a lot of trial and error involved. But I'm more than willing to learn!
I mean, I just baked my first ever fucking PIE this past weekend, and it was AWESOME.
I know, that was a total non sequitur. But... it was a really good cherry pie. I made everything from scratch. No canned filling or pie crust mix for me! It was made in a celebration of the cooler weather. I really love Autumn.
OK, I've got a bunch of knitting and plotting and what not to do, so I'm signing off. Later!
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