...sweet fuck a doodle doo, today was one of THOSE days.
I get out of bed, pee, and feed the cats like I always do. Nothing unusual there, until Lulu decides to go on top of the cabinets... AND PUKES. ON TOP. OF. THE CABINETS. Where I cannot reach unless I climb on top of the fridge, which was just not on my to do list. (And probably won't be, ever.) I wound up putting a very sturdy styrofoam box on top of the arm chair next to the fridge, and used my wooden practice katana (I'm not sure why I still have it either), after wrapping it in paper towels and taping them at the base, to literally wipe/pull the puke pile towards me, so I could reach it and clean it up.
Okay, after that I deserve a fucking smoothie, right? Knowing that my fella accidentally got me coffee flavored kefir at the store, I decide to go whole hog with it, and brew coffee to mix in with a tiny bit of cream and sugar, as well as some ice.
I can honestly say that was the NASTIEST FUCKING SHIT I have EVER PUT IN MY MOUTH. One mouthful, and it didn't even get the opportunity to hit my gag reflex. Spewed it out into the sink, and the entire contents of the blender soon followed.
Fortunately, I still had some coffee left, so I drank it, somewhat ruefully. I finished putting together a yarn order, wrote a letter to my sister, packed everything up, and got ready to leave. Realizing it was absolutely pouring out, I put my hoodie on, wrapped both letter and box in a plastic bag, and headed out. Blessedly, this process was uneventful, though soggy.
Upon exiting the post office, I decided to stop across the street at the market to get some more fruits and veggies and UNFLAVORED kefir. By this time, it's not just pouring... it is raining goddamn oceans. I mean, fucking BUCKETS are just coming down non stop. So I get what I need, totally scoring a whole bunch of awesome produce and kefir for a measly $12.81, and start home in the pouring rain. By the time my three heavy bags and I get home, my cotton hoodie weighs approximately 3495356456 pounds and my jeans at least half that. (Both are still soaking wet, and it's been 12 hours now.)
While putting everything away except for the stuff going right into my smoothie, I realize the right hand bulb in the range hood over the stove has burnt out. OF COURSE. So I decide to switch sides with the remaining good bulb, so that I can have more light to wash dishes by. I wrapped a paper towel around the bulb because it was still hot, and while trying to match the end of the bulb into the socket... THE BULB DISAPPEARS INTO THE RANGE HOOD. This was not a thing I had considered at all. At this point, I cracked up laughing, nearly burst out crying, and just flat out WAILED my feelings on the matter to the world at large. I did not even know it was possible to lose a bulb in there like that. I did manage to get it out though, burning myself slightly in the process, and got it properly screwed into the socket. Unfuckingbelievable.
At that point, I was done with today. So done. Apparently, I wasn't the only one having a day, though- it seems everyone around me did, too. I've since decided to just declare it a learning day- I learned a new use for a wooden katana, learned coffee kefir tastes like Satan's rancid shitbox, learned that one should be careful when replacing bulbs on a range hood, and subsequently, though not previously mentioned, learned that you should PROBABLY peel kiwis before putting them in a blender, as drinking them otherwise afterwards will irritate your lips considerably.
I did manage to finish plying some lovely beaded yarn tonight though, and also spun two small skeins of real hand spun, not recycled yarn. The day, therefore, was not totally lost.
I'm gonna go to bed now, and cross my fingers that tomorrow is not a repeat of today. Uh uh uhhhh.
I get out of bed, pee, and feed the cats like I always do. Nothing unusual there, until Lulu decides to go on top of the cabinets... AND PUKES. ON TOP. OF. THE CABINETS. Where I cannot reach unless I climb on top of the fridge, which was just not on my to do list. (And probably won't be, ever.) I wound up putting a very sturdy styrofoam box on top of the arm chair next to the fridge, and used my wooden practice katana (I'm not sure why I still have it either), after wrapping it in paper towels and taping them at the base, to literally wipe/pull the puke pile towards me, so I could reach it and clean it up.
Okay, after that I deserve a fucking smoothie, right? Knowing that my fella accidentally got me coffee flavored kefir at the store, I decide to go whole hog with it, and brew coffee to mix in with a tiny bit of cream and sugar, as well as some ice.
I can honestly say that was the NASTIEST FUCKING SHIT I have EVER PUT IN MY MOUTH. One mouthful, and it didn't even get the opportunity to hit my gag reflex. Spewed it out into the sink, and the entire contents of the blender soon followed.
Fortunately, I still had some coffee left, so I drank it, somewhat ruefully. I finished putting together a yarn order, wrote a letter to my sister, packed everything up, and got ready to leave. Realizing it was absolutely pouring out, I put my hoodie on, wrapped both letter and box in a plastic bag, and headed out. Blessedly, this process was uneventful, though soggy.
Upon exiting the post office, I decided to stop across the street at the market to get some more fruits and veggies and UNFLAVORED kefir. By this time, it's not just pouring... it is raining goddamn oceans. I mean, fucking BUCKETS are just coming down non stop. So I get what I need, totally scoring a whole bunch of awesome produce and kefir for a measly $12.81, and start home in the pouring rain. By the time my three heavy bags and I get home, my cotton hoodie weighs approximately 3495356456 pounds and my jeans at least half that. (Both are still soaking wet, and it's been 12 hours now.)
While putting everything away except for the stuff going right into my smoothie, I realize the right hand bulb in the range hood over the stove has burnt out. OF COURSE. So I decide to switch sides with the remaining good bulb, so that I can have more light to wash dishes by. I wrapped a paper towel around the bulb because it was still hot, and while trying to match the end of the bulb into the socket... THE BULB DISAPPEARS INTO THE RANGE HOOD. This was not a thing I had considered at all. At this point, I cracked up laughing, nearly burst out crying, and just flat out WAILED my feelings on the matter to the world at large. I did not even know it was possible to lose a bulb in there like that. I did manage to get it out though, burning myself slightly in the process, and got it properly screwed into the socket. Unfuckingbelievable.
At that point, I was done with today. So done. Apparently, I wasn't the only one having a day, though- it seems everyone around me did, too. I've since decided to just declare it a learning day- I learned a new use for a wooden katana, learned coffee kefir tastes like Satan's rancid shitbox, learned that one should be careful when replacing bulbs on a range hood, and subsequently, though not previously mentioned, learned that you should PROBABLY peel kiwis before putting them in a blender, as drinking them otherwise afterwards will irritate your lips considerably.
I did manage to finish plying some lovely beaded yarn tonight though, and also spun two small skeins of real hand spun, not recycled yarn. The day, therefore, was not totally lost.
I'm gonna go to bed now, and cross my fingers that tomorrow is not a repeat of today. Uh uh uhhhh.