Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Wheel In The Sky Keeps On Turnin'...

...but I know where I'll be tomorrow, and that's FINALLY moved out of Harlem! Woo!

The last two days have been really weird people-wise, though. If I didn't know better, I'd think it was a full moon. Yesterday (Sunday) I made a new friend, much against my will, at the Dunkin' Donuts by the L train at Myrtle Wyckoff. She's an elderly woman named Marian, and I suspect she has dementia. She told me she had dinner with Obama 4 times this year, and that she's the VP of a bank, and her boyfriend owns the NYU hospital. We have a coffee date next Sunday at 4. I'm vaguely terrified that she'll actually show up.

Today, on my way back to Queens from Harlem, I hadn't made it down my block when some guy wanted to see my bind rune tattoo. I don't mind jawing about my ink, but I had told my fella I was on my way so I was itching to get on the train, and looking forward to dinner. But, in the immortal words of my friend Justine (more on her in a bit), "Who truly IS master of their own destiny, anyway." I wound up talking to this guy (and by talking, I mean trying to translate from Idiotese to English, when I wasn't stuck listing to a clip from The Advocate) about the occult for about a half hour, maybe more. He said he "recognized the darkness" in me blah blah blah and I could call him Bal (he spelled it out, I'm guessing he meant Baal. He's not playing with a full string o' lights, ifyouknowwhatImean) but his name is Quincy, and he wants to talk about spooky stuff down by the river blah blah ARRRGHHHH! Have I got a mark on my head lately that says "hey you clearly mentally unstable person! Please, come gush your verbal diarrhea ALL OVER ME!!!!!!"?

But, onto more pleasant things. A few weeks ago, I went to visit my friend Justine in west NJ. So far west, in fact, that NJ transit doesn't even run that far on weekends, and she had to drive me across the river to PA so I could take a bus back to NYC Saturday night. We had been facebook friends a few years prior, bonding over our love of cats and knitting and the occult, and makeup and food and... yeah, we have a few common interests. But then she disappeared from facebook for a few years, and though I completely lost touch with her because of it, I didn't delete her profile in the hopes she'd come back. And she DID! This past December, she magically reappeared, and we became closer than ever. We are solid friends now, I feel a bond with her almost as strong as the bond I have with my soul sister. We are definitely kindred spirits. We had a lovely visit, and I especially enjoyed her cats. I was told the younger, feral one would probably hide the whole time I was there... but instead, she let me pet her from the moment I walked through the door! I hadn't even busted out the hand knit cat toys I made, or the treats I bought.

A cloud hung over my visit though, and it was a heavy one- shortly before I arrived at the station where she was picking me up, I learned that a friend had suddenly died. 38 years old, had a heart attack out of the blue. His name was Shane, and he was a fixture in our circle of friends, being both a bartender and a bass player in a local band. I had to keep pushing it to the back of my head, because I didn't have time to process it. It felt especially terrible knowing that my friends and fella were all hurting, and I was all the way on the other side of Jersey. I had a really nice dream about him not long after though, and while I don't remember it, I did wake up feeling like I had closure, so that was nice.

I'm super duper exhausted now. It's definitely bed time. Tomorrow is the LAST DAY I'll be chained to that apartment, and I look forward to being able to focus more on my work without worrying constantly about paying rent in a place I don't even fucking live in anymore, haha. Hooray!

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