Friday, June 20, 2014

Dreams I Had Last Night

I'm a firm believer that dreams are your brain's way of trying to tell you shit. Sometimes it's shit you already know, sometimes it's entertainment, sometimes it's shit you kind of know but don't want to acknowledge, and very rarely, sometimes your dreams will warn you of plights or pleasures to come. Super rarely, I'll have a dream that doesn't feel like a dream- such as a few weeks ago, I dreamt of my friend Suzi. It felt like we actually met on some astral plane, and as I was sending the dream to her, I thought that I wouldn't be surprised if she had the same dream. WOULDN'T YOU KNOW IT, SHE DID. But that's a story for another day.

Anyhow, last night's dreams were... well, kind of neutral on the good/bad spectrum I guess, except for the first dream where OMG SENTENCED WAS PLAYING! They're not even a band anymore, but I think I was in Finland when I saw them. This I think stems from yesterday's lusting after Finland's snow in summer- a friend of mine lives in Southern Finland, and posted a picture of the snow, and of the temp- 5 degrees Celsius! I need to at least have a summer home there some day. How fucking glorious, to not need air conditioning?! I'm sure the heating bills make up for it, but whatevs. I'd knit a thousand sweaters just to be able to live there in summer. I DO NOT LIKE THE HEAT, SAM I AM.

The second dream, I think I was actually in Law and Order: SVU because I remember talking to Amaro and I remember we were quite good friends. I think he was moving somewhere. It wasn't terribly interesting, though, although I remember it being a party type setting.

The THIRD dream though, that's where shit got weird. Me and my friend Kelley were out jogging (yeah, because I do that) around my neighborhood, only it was a weird part of my neighborhood that only exists in dream land. We wound up checking out some hipster thing going on... I think it was wedding pictures or something, there was some bizarre vintage piece of kitchen equipment or something behind the people. (Sue me, I was browsing Etsy before bed). I'm not quite sure how or why, but I wound up inside the house while everyone was gone, looking for my yarn. Um, why my yarn was in there, I don't know... how I got in, I don't know. But my shoes were off, and my things were scattered, and I remember thinking I needed to hurry to get everything together before these people came home. Just as I get everything together... they show up. So there I am, opening the door for this chick and she's all like, "Don't you know how to knock?!" and she walks past in a huff. So I go out front, where her fiance or husband or whoever is, and sit down with the group, and I'm trying to explain how some guys stole my yarn and put it in the house. (I'm pretty sure that was a lie in the dream.) And the guy totally starts ignoring me! I asked if anyone was listening, and this drunk guy with a beard said, "I am!" and sat facing me, but I just brushed him off and went to the train. And for some reason, I had to take the A to Broadway Junction, so I guess I wasn't really in my neighborhood anymore.

I think it was a pretty self explanatory dream, that last one: GET YOUR SHIT TOGETHER. And don't make excuses.

So here I am up in Harlem again... and I think I'll do just that!

OH OH OH but one more thing!

:-D ok, so I've been wanting a spinning wheel for a while, to ply yarn on because it's a fuck ton faster than a drop spindle. Hours of work on a drop spindle is about 20 minutes on a wheel...but jeeeeezus, wheels are fucking EXPENSIVE. I'd done so much research, I was even about to delve into making my own crude one for ~$20, but then wasn't sure I could pull it off because I don't really have the tools. (I think the crude model is called a DODEC, because the wheel isn't really round, it's a dodecahedron.) Fast forward to yesterday, my soul sister's mom (who is always posting things on her page for "your knitting friend") puts a pictures of a bunch of knitting needles, crochet hooks, and various knitting accessories on her page, all for $50, and asks if I'd be interested. As they were all straight needles, and I've got MORE than enough of those, I politely declined, but then noticed she had originally posted it in a group called Fiber Processing Tools For Sale. Oh hai, you're relevant to mai interests! So I mentioned that I'd joined the group because I'd be in the market for a spinning wheel soon, and my soul sister immediately says, "Oh sweet- hey mom, keep a look out for a reasonably priced wheel, I've decided Tina should have one & I'm gonna get it for her, but don't tell her, it's a secret!" Awww, isn't that sweeet,  but I told her they're all too expensive and I couldn't let her do that unless she won the lottery. AND THEN HER OWN MOTHER mentions she's got TWO wheels she's looking to sell, WITH PICTURES! holy shit, my heart stopped, & Sooja was all like, "pick one, I'm wheely serious!" I WEPT LIKE A FUCKING BABY. I went for the smaller one, (which still needs a few parts) because of apartment living and all, and I just can't even. I AM SO EXCITE! 

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