Tuesday, March 11, 2014

I can't think of a title, dammit! It's just my freakin' life, why do I need a title?

Ahem, anyhow. Fundraising for Guardians of Rescue is going well, crochet scrunchie making is going well, which is good because I make my street vending debut on Wednesday, and my sister is FINALLY fucking coming to visit this weekend! I'm going back to mental town with her on Saturday to get reacquainted with their second dog, since I'll be dog sitting for a week at the beginning of April. This past weekend, I got to finally meet an internet friend from PA, whom I've been friends with for a loooong time now, and she's every bit as awesome in person as she is online, which is rare, but so appreciated.

I'm really, really nervous about going out to sell my wares on the street this week, but I'm doing it with a friend who has been doing it for almost as long as I've been alive. I trust him on this though, so I hope I'm not wrong in doing so. If it works out, I have no problem with getting a street vending license and making a living out of that. The potential to make hundreds of dollars a day is really attractive. I'm willing to work for my money, since I love what I do, and I make really good stuff. I believe in myself, but I'm trying not to be too optimistic.

Ok, lovenuts is making us some knockworst now, so I better get back to scrunchie making. Fingers crossed though, I really really need this to work out. 

Friday, March 7, 2014

I am so tired right now, but it's so worth it.

Just finished making ten cat toys, from which half of the proceeds will go to Guardians of Rescue, a tireless local organization that fights for animals. So far, I've raised $50. Pretty pleased with myself. This weekend, I get to see a knitting friend from PA, and next week, I make my street vending debut with a long time vendor friend who assures me I can make literally hundreds of dollars...in a DAY. I am super stoked about this. I can't remember the last time I felt so hopeful and optimistic and proud of myself. The future looks really, really good right now.